Bringing Patients Access to Innovation Through Patent Reforms in Indonesia
Ensuring access to new technologies and medicines in Indonesia will require a variety of reforms, including remedying significant deficiencies with Indonesia’s Patent Law. Indonesia’s patent system poses significant barriers at every step of seeking, receiving, and enforcing intellectual property (IP) rights. Challenges include restrictive patentability criteria, lack of mechanisms to compensate for undue delays in the patent examination and regulatory approval processes, absence of regulatory data protection, and support for compulsory licensing.
Reducing Pharmaceutical Tariffs to Invigorate Indonesia’s Economy
The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the important roles both innovation and international trade play in addressing public health concerns. Global collaboration and trade cooperation is essential to delivering breakthrough medicines. Trade barriers, such as high tariffs, make addressing public health concerns more costly for patients. Tariffs are essentially taxes that are levied when a product enters the country.
Strengthening Indonesia’s Economy Through Investments in Health Systems
Investing in health care has immense benefits to local patients and the economy. In fact, for every $1 invested in improving health systems in developing economies, countries can expect an economic return of $2-$4, resulting in a healthier population and higher productivity.
What We Are Watching: 75th World Health Assembly
This week, the 75th World Health Assembly will convene key leaders from 194 member states to discuss some of the most pressing global public health challenges. As the World Health Organization’s decision-making body, the WHA will determine WHO policies, programs and budgets.